Welcome to The Pocket Dimension, your ultimate source for captivating YouTube videos, live streams, and podcasts about tabletop gaming. Join our passionate community and immerse yourself in thrilling adventures, strategic battles, and endless entertainment.

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Enter the Pocket Dimension

Welcome to our eclectic online community, brimming with nerdy camaraderie and TTRPG-inspired fun. Dive into the neurospicy realms of our ADHd20 podcast, experience the opinionated mayhem of The Pocket Dimension LIVE!, and journey through the whimsical tales of our all-new podcast, The Adventures of Bud & Herb!

Don't stop there—scoot on into The Pocket Dimension's Discord, home of some of the best people on the whole entire Internet!


The Pocket Dimension Live!

Join us live every week for unpredictable escapades, hilarious moments, and interactive fun. It’s more than just a show—it’s an experience. Streams every Friday at 12:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM CT.


Life at the intersection of ADHD and TTRPGs, complete with chaotic energy and heartfelt connections. This is your front-row seat as we explore our neurospice and maybe even yours, too!

The Adventures of Bud & Herb

A new podcast that's one part immersive audio drama, one part D&D actual play, two parts besties hunting a monstrous cryptid. Join Bud and Herb as they track a beast terrifying their quaint little town of Mystra's Glen.


Become a Dimension Dweller

Our Patreon is the place to be if you want to roll into games with us, and unlock exclusive TPD loot like patron-only livestreams, bonus content, early access, and more!

The Elemental Planes - $2

The Feywild - $5

The Ethereal Plane - $10

The Astral Sea - $40

Elysium - $100

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Pocket Pal Testimonials

The Pocket Dimension is genuinely the most welcoming and positive online community I have ever experienced. Despite the vastly different views, perspectives, and opinions, it is incredibly wholesome and uplifting and a community I want to check in on each day.


There simply aren’t enough words to describe how absolutely wonderful the folks at the Pocket Dimension are. The community they’ve created is one of the best and they are all such kind, thoughtful, and just plain ol’ fun people to be around. I count myself incredibly lucky to get to be a part of their circle!

So jump through the portal! You’ll find yourself in a world of fun and games, spicy takes, and a community filled with love and shenanigans. It’s the coolest place on the internet – and it will be better with YOU in it.

Kai Solace

TPD Pocket Protector & Professional Game Master

The Pocket Dimension is such an amazing group with fun and interactive content. And when it comes to discord and interacting with them they are always chatting and when you sharing special moments they celebrate with you. Love them all and the community they've built!


Professional Game Master

Stated quite simply, The Pocket Dimension is the happiest place on the internet. Since joining this community a year and a half ago I have felt nothing but love and acceptance. TPD is a place where everyone can gather, play games, and be accepted and celebrated for who they are. Everyone is truly welcome!

I have learned a lot about myself since coming to TPD. It has been a safe and open place to explore my neurodiversity and has challenged me to try new things and expand my creativity. Since I first stepped through the portal I have discovered a newfound love for TTRPGs, met friends from all around the world, and was inspired to start writing again.TPD is a community like no other. Come share your joy when you are feeling happy, find compassion and encouragement when you are feeling low, and be endlessly inspired by the wonderful people you will meet there!


TPD Pocket Protector

Not enough Druids and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes are only seasonal. Zero stars.

Becki Anderson

Ever since I joined The Pocket Dimension, my cat learned to DM, my dice rolls have been preposterously lucky, and I'm pretty sure I saw a unicorn in my backyard. This place is pure, unfiltered magic!


The Pocket Dimension freakin rocks! This is the coolest crew of content creators on the interwebs - with hot takes on neurospice and hotter takes on rolling dice. They are the loveliest of people with an incredibly welcoming community featuring only the best kinds of chaos and shenanigans. Never stop talking all things TTRPGs, TPD!And if you’re looking for games to play, don’t sleep on the monthly community one-shots - ABSOLUTELY some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing games!


TPD Pocket Protector & Professional Game Master

The Pocket Dimension has to be one the absolute most welcoming and wonderful communities in existence. I've not played more than about 4 hours of D&D in my life, and yet the YouTube livestreams, podcasts, discord, and everything the fine folks hosting TPD put together still enriches my life in a way I did not know I needed until I hopped in feet first.


TPD Pocket Protector, Guild Artisan & Official TeaKeeper

I joined The Pocket Dimension (TPD) in March during the first wave of Daggerheart content. From the moment I became part of this vibrant community, I knew I had found a special place.

The camaraderie and passion within TPD are truly unmatched. Since joining, I've had the privilege of engaging with like-minded individuals who share a deep love for gaming and creativity. The sense of belonging and the friendships I've formed here are invaluable.

One of the highlights of my journey has been earning the rank of Pocket Protector on our Discord server. This honor came with the title "Artificer of the Airwaves," a nod to my role as TPD's resident Radio Demon. It's been an absolute thrill to contribute to the community in this capacity, and I am grateful for the trust and recognition from my fellow members and the opportunities this provides me to corrupt and torment them as I claim their immortal souls for my own, growing my power and influence and leading me to my inevitable and unavoidable destiny as ruler of all Hell.

The Pocket Dimension is more than just a community; it's a family where everyone's contributions are valued and celebrated. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting out, TPD offers a welcoming environment where you can grow, share, and thrive. I can't recommend it enough, and we're only getting started!


TPD Pocket Protector


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